Living for God means living in love. Love for God, for yourself and other beings.

The Almighty God the Creator made life beautiful and good for everyone to live in peace and joy, having their free will within them to decide and choose for themselves, what they want and how they want to live their temporary physical life. Life is both Spiritual and Physical.  

Physical life is a short apprenticeship, where human beings must live to know GOD their creator, know themselves, and discover the gift of life and all endowment given to them by the Almighty Creator. This life they must decide to use well in accordance with God’s principles of GOOD NATURE and CHARACTER. All thoughts and deeds must be with good intention.

Heaven and earth with all in it were created for the good of mankind. A Heavenly Permanent home was created as well as a Beautiful temporary home, which humans need to pass through in stages on their trip to get to the permanent home for eternity with God. 

Human beings are loved so much that the earth was to be their full inheritance with an opening passageway to the seat of God’s throne in the highest heaven. Genesis 1:26-30

Then came the disobedience of man, after being influenced. And the open passageway became sealed, as nothing UNCLEAN can pass through to the other side, the highest heaven, location of the Holy Throne of the Almighty God and Creator.

Man is restless. When he journeys back to God the creator, in which form does he return?    Like the Airport scene with different terminals, so are the different thoughts and desires of Humans with different faces and sizes of luggage; likening to the different needs and wants, tangible and intangible carried through the trip of life.

But we have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. We are made in God’s image and likeness. Made good, to remain good and live for God.

No one knows you more than God does, your flaws and inabilities, yet He loves you, more than you know. It does not matter how people see you, God’s unfailing love is all that matters. 

Align yourself with God, seek good, and live in Love.


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