“Let us make humankind in our own image, according to our likeness (the moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature of almighty Creator).

“So that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the Birds in the sky, over the livestock and all wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground”

So, God Almighty Created HUMANKIND in His own image and likeness “God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and increase in number fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:26-28)


That, all that God created on earth He gave to ‘MAN’, to exist with, use for his benefit and live to the fullest. All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things bright and wonderful God gave Man to subdue and rule over.

God’s LOVE is so DEEP as shown by His grandeur goodness to his creation, which reflects his handiwork and good deeds to you and me, such as making light during the day for work and night to rest after work. Giving us people, we love and who loves us.

We can see God’s love in the blessings He gives us. From the beauty of the world to the people in our lives, God is constantly giving us gifts large and small because He loves us. We often experience God’s love through our interactions with His creatures, people, and things.

Sometimes, though, when you reflect on yourself, with regards to the state of things and circumstances currently in your daily life, you lament and ask God WHY? and even question His existence and LOVE for you. Especially when stressed and under pressure with either the burden of taking care of your needs and that of beloved family or when you are sick or loved ones are sick and eventually pass away to eternity.

At times like this, it is so difficult and confusing to think or believe in God’s LOVE for you. Still with all these struggles and pain, God’s LOVE is so DEEP for you. Be mindful that God created you of His own accord for Himself, to care and love you as His very own, hence He created YOU in His image and likeness. You had nothing to do with this creation.  So, your thoughts and reasoning are different from that of God who knows everything, because He created everything.

God’s plan and deeds for His creatures, are always for their benefit. We need only to align with His plan for us and follow His leads that is communicated to us through various SIGNS and HINTS using different means. (People, Place, or things). We must be more aware of God’s image in us (the moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature) to improve our intuitions and insights to be in tune with our real selves (SPIRITUAL SELF).

Let us be encouraged from time to time to move away from the noisy distractions that surrounds and occupy our daily activities, wherever we are in our little space on earth. When we create or reserve quiet time for ourselves and be in tuned with our inner nature which is God’s spirit in us; then we will be able to improve on our intuition and reason differently to understand who we really are in God’s EYES. Then we will come to the realization that what we SEE, and FEEL may just be intangible and an illusion to distract us; make us vulnerable and cut off from the presences and warm embrace of our Almighty Creator God, whose love for us is so DEEP.

From time to time, you should have personal RETREAT, to be in SOLITUDE by yourself in a quiet place away from the constant NOISE of the world. Then, take a Deep breath in, free yourself and be alone with God. Have a “ME TIME”

During which you discuss with your Creator; the one who made you for Himself, who knows why He made you, knows your present state and what you have being through.

Listen in quiet to what He has to Tell you; surely you will get divine answers and upliftment to help you through life path and encouragement to improve your personal relationship with Him your Creator with Christ helping you.

God awaits you to discuss with Him one on one.

Make the Move now



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