How so you would ask?

You and I were created as good Beings; Good personified; with incomprehensible parts; the Body, Soul, and Spirit. Our Being put here on Earth wherever we find ourselves from birth is to fulfill individual purpose.

The Purpose of being Humans; is to maintain the Good Nature and character in semblance to God’s divine image and likeness in us and be happy (feeling of contentment) as designed from the beginning of creation by God. (Genesis 1:27)

Most times we cannot comprehend the way things appear or turn out to be, sometimes we think we have things under control, but realize that the control of things even that of our lives is not in our hands but in that of the Supreme Being YAHWEH, the Almighty Creator of Mankind, of all things, seen and unseen. The one who owns everything sees everything and knows everything.

Yes, He knows everything and controls everything, guiding and directing us through the path He sets for each person.

If so, why does the Almighty Creator allow certain things to happen, we often wonder within us silently, at other times aloud and we opine our thoughts to others around us, especially, when we are at the receiving end of the “unpleasant situation”. We further say, WHY can’t God fix everything in our lives and the World and make it okay as we would want. Why make us go through a lot of unpleasant happenings, individually and sometimes collectively in this World we cannot understand… 

So many Whys and unanswered Questions   

Questions are sometimes best answered with the manifestation of events.

For you and I to remain focused and sane in this world we are in; we need to take one day at a time and do what we must to follow the inherent guidance of the Spirit within us. Every one of us has a voice in our head; the VOICE of REASONING, this voice directs us and warns us when we are taking wrong turns in the path of life and guides us through the path we should go and turn

For some of us the voice is so faint that we can hardly hear the warnings and guidance; while for others it’s completely drowned in the busy noisy lives we have allowed to envelop us willingly or absent-mindedly.

The space around us in this world is so filled with noise that we most often are drowned in the noise and lose our sense of purpose. This makes us carry on being busy, doing things we do not know the depth or outcome of, as no one knows the future but God. 

As a result of our seemly busy schedule and fast life; some of us cannot hear the gentle voice of reasoning in our head and thus lose the guidance needed to pilot the affairs of our individual lives in this transitory earthly life which if you may call the connecting stairway to the everlasting life beyond.  

 As was in the beginning, Mankind; you, and I were made to care for and use the enormous resources of the earth created by God and be happy. (Genesis 1: 28-29). So, God owns everything, and we solely belong to Him. (Psalm 50:9- 23).  Therefore, we cannot do anything for God nor give anything to Him; God wants the sacrifice of thanksgiving and worship

When we say we help or love people for God’s sake, we actually do for our sake and our good and not for God. For ‘’We are all human Magnets, our deeds, attitudes, and thoughts attract in kind. We get back with interest exactly what we send. (Sterling W. Sill)

Everything you do; You do for yourself. ‘’You do good, you do for yourself; you do Bad, you do for yourself’’. This is the “Law of KARMA” – the great law of cause and effect which emphasizes that whatever thoughts and energy you put out; you get back. Good or bad within your life’s allotted time.

This is reiterated and emphasized in the Universal Law: “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you”. When you obey the universal Law, you maintain the status of a Human Being, which is your life purpose, to live in good nature and character in semblance to our Father the Almighty Creator. So, know that everything you do is for or against your good and happiness.

When we focus on being Human; we do good to each other, filling the Earth with goodness and happiness for our sake. The Commandments of God Mirror so (Exodus 20:2-17)

Thou shall have no other God before Me. WHY? Not to offend God, avoid punishment, and remain in God’s friendship. BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shall not make for yourself an image in any form and bow down to worship them; WHY? Not to offend God and avoid punishment. BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. WHY? To revere God and remain in God’s friendship. BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shall keep the Sabbath day Holy. WHY? For your rest and wellbeing after 6 days of work.  BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shall honor your Father and Mother. WHY? That your days may be long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shall not Kill. WHY? So, you will not be killed also. BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shall not commit adultery. WHY? To avoid being punished. BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shall not Steal. WHY? To avoid being punished. BENEFITS WHO?  YOU

Thou shall not bear false witness (lie) against your Neighbor. WHY?  For you not to be called a liar and be punished. BENEFITS WHO? YOU

Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s house, wife, or belongings. WHY?  So, you are not tempted to steal or commit adultery and be punished or Killed. BENEFITS WHO?  YOU

God’s commandments, summarized into love God with all your heart, mind, and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself is meant to keep all mankind in check and to help you and I maintain who we are, HUMAN BEINGS (Good) for our good and happiness.

For Love’s sake, God created Humans with Free Will to choose from the variety of things created in the universe, for the goodness and happiness of Mankind.

You, therefore, have a choice to make. To either live within God‘s commandment of Love of God, self, and others or disobey and lose God’s friendship and happiness.

Be Human, be good; for your happiness and peace now and beyond this life 


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